Remote Animal Reiki & Intuitive Guidance Session


Sessions are 30-45 minutes dependent on the animal(s)
- nothing is forced, it is up to them how long they need and/or want.

  • Reiki is a universal energy healing technique that assists the body to enter homeostasis so the body can mend.

  • It works below the surface to help them heal emotionally, on mental, or physically. The energy goes to wherever the animal beings need it.

  • Intuitive Connection is a form of communication with your animal family members based on what I hear, sense, feel, and observe.

  • Your input is often key to understanding shifts in your animal companion’s behaviors or changes in the way he or she are interacting with you or another animal companion.

  • Changes that occur in the home or the people in the family can be the answer to what is happening.

  • Learn more about Reiki.

What happens?

First, I clear my energy, meditate to center while out hiking in one of my favorite nature spots and to be a better channel for the flow of Reiki.

Next, I set an intention for your pet(s) connecting via my heart while visualizing and feeling the energy flowing to your animal family member(s).

I incorporate any additional tools and resources suggested by my intuitive and spiritual guidance.

A journal will be emailed of any information that surfaces during each session.

Remote means wherever you are your animal family member can receive the energies via intention and heart to heart connection while I am off-site.

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