Reframing for Love

This past week, I noticed a variety of emotions surfacing in connection with my dad. Partially as I was re-reading through the first round of edits for my upcoming book. The part I was at involved my walk with my dad during the last week of his earth journey which coincided with the actual dates I was living through now.

That flood of memories and experiences brought together by also visiting with an animal family that I had been with during that same time frame in 2019. The similarities and connecting points were uncanny and amazing in there own ways. We often walk the myriad of emotions that are opened in these moments remembering the messages and meanings along similar pathways to, from and within the events.

After recalling some of the highs and lows, I was able to reach a point in my processing to identify that I have the choice to re-watch the movie as it original played out or shift my focus to choose a new or different lens. To see the love, connection, messages, and understanding that is often missed due to where we are looking or what emotion has frozen us in time. Yes, we can shift the meanings of those hurdles.

With every moment that came up, I looked at how I was viewing it and then chose another perspective. There were times I really had to dive deeper beneath the surface emotion or meaning to find that flip in focus. I also went back through the photos that I hadn’t looked at since I created photo boards for my dad’s celebration of life and was able to walk a different journey with those of my dad to fully remember the love and laughter.

Each moment this round or whenever in our lives these pop up, we can check-in with where we are and what we are feeling.  The emotions I encountered this cycle may or may not return, but it doesn’t mean that we are regressing. It often is a new lens has surfaced for clearing or reframing the love within our heart.

Tomorrow, I celebrate the day we guided my dad to the bridge that led him to our family on the other side along with all the moments he has brought through messages. Dad, I know in my heart of hearts you will continue to do so as we build upon our love and relationship in this new way as the journey proceeds.


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