A Little Bit of Love

As many of our pet friends share, love is the ultimate guiding light in our lives. Surrendering to the power of love can look like your dog rolling over to receive belly rubs, fish staying on your side of a tank as you offer them love, a feline reaching out to you, us sitting beside them watching the birds in the yard with them or connection with our loved ones on this side of the veil and on the other side.

It can be a process of learning to care for us in new ways. Be that the way we speak of ourselves, feed, and nourish the body/mind, making sure our daily calendar includes activities that speak to us caring and loving who we are inside and out. Moving our body through an activity that feeds the soul and fills the heart with joy.

Recently I was working to fit a hike into my schedule amongst pet visits, dog walks, and other appointments. When I got to the local park, I realized as I stepped onto the trail it was 8:55am and I was meeting someone at 10:30. I wanted to fit a shower in too.

When I saw the time, I thought, “Well, I’ll turn around and not go as far.” However, that isn’t what happened. I stated to myself a few moments later I have all the time I need to take care of myself as I continued moving forward on the path. I returned to my car at 9:22am after a walk on a trail that typically takes me an hour. And yes, I completed the other tasks and enjoyed some relaxing moments before the person arrived.

Sometimes loving ourselves is not giving into that first voice that says we don’t have time, we can’t do it, or the one that gives us reasons we cannot do something versus hearing the often silent one that says we can – just watch us! Often it is leaning into the emotion and/or voice long enough to ask why or where it is coming from.

Many of our animal friends show us that there is a time to fight for what we want, play, be present with each other, relax, and surrender to love.

During this week, may you feel the love that is all around, see yourself through eyes of love, speak of love for who you are in the moment, know you are worthy of love and a daily space on your calendar – and learn a new way to meet yourself where you are with love.


Adventures in Life


Into the New, Guidance by Your Pets