
K Vizzini K Vizzini

When a Feline’s Behavior Speaks

Recently a feline friend began showing up in places that required acknowledgement before she would move beyond the spot. Let me add some context, her human, a family friend was in…

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Is my pet speaking with me?

For those of you who use the talking buttons with your pets, know that how they use it may shift based on who they are with. The words can take on different meanings as a way of communicating. For instance, the word outside…

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K Vizzini K Vizzini

Why Does My Dog Act Like a Cat (or Vice-Versa)?!

Do you have a dog that sometimes you wonder whether they are a cat?  Or a cat that acts like a dog?

Often the actions and behaviors of our animal companions can take on the personalities of whatever or whomever they were raised with or by. So, if your dog as a puppy was raised around an older sibling that is a cat,

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