The To-Do List

What to do first? We can go into a state of overwhelm on any given day depending on what we feel needs to be done – and that emotion can rise even more when we are traveling hand in hand with the unknown at our side. The unknown, void or place of mystery can be a new project, an unexpected move, a health diagnosis, or any number of situations.

In the past, these items including getting a blog written, an errand completed, or even focusing on the schedule would have been placed before taking care of the first friend we were born with: the body. My body has known what last on the list has felt like, the days when there is no time to move her through a walk, do a stretch routine, or a hike. She has known what last feels like by the foods she is asked to ingest or the days when the thought I have too much to do equates to there’s no time to eat. She knows what last feels like by the environments and people surrounding her which triggers her subconscious to send messages causing her to feel sick, exhausted, or lost in the shuffle. She knows what it feels like to have all her power given away to something that feels more important that is outside her.

Recently my healing journey brought me to this realization – that for many years my body and taking care of her was not even on the daily list and if she was it was the one that got pushed aside as I can do it tomorrow. As an entrepreneur one of the main whys for me to create my own business was to take care of my body, mindset, and my emotions to be the healthiest version of myself I can be.

The animal beings have taught me that when we do not take care of ourselves, there is nothing left to give to another individual, project, or that activity you have always wanted to do. When I am not on the top of my to do list, my vehicle – my body has a better chance of running on empty. Then, we open our body to what can take a stronger hold in the form of an ailment or exhaustion that requires us to take a mandatory time-out or rest.

Movemybody30 is just that – getting out for at least thirty minutes each day (and not punishing your body with food choices or giving up if you miss a day). It is knowing there are days it is easy to get out for a hike at 5am, and there are days like today where the blog needed written when we need the reminder of why we are doing it; there are moments when we feel like we are too busy - and it is understanding that it’s on those days that we need it the most! Often it is times that we are the busiest or most tired that we find it the easiest to give in to the excuses. That being said, upon reaching my walking/hiking spot this morning, I had all sorts of blog ideas coming through including the one you are reading. Yes, we all experience those moments whether it is around fitness or another area of your life there’s usually at least one that creates that push and pull for muscle memory.

We are only limited by our imagination as to the way to get in 30 minutes of movement a day. In the valley of the sun, it can be choosing places with air conditioning that are large spaces: local home improvement store, a large grocery store, a big package place, a large furnishings/furniture store, or even a local mall. Are you wanting to challenge yourself, yet there’s no mountain in site – find a building with staircases. Your calves will know it. It’s time to take back the power we easily give to the weather, to our schedule, and to everything else in between.

One of my awareness’s recently was that we will find the space in our schedule. Why not choose our body, mental, emotional, and overall wellbeing first and foremost? Without us, there is nothing else.


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